
What's new in Striim 4.1.0

Related products: Striim 4.0.1

What's new in Striim 4.1.0

The following features are new in this release.

Sources and targets

Programming, administration, and operations

  • In a multi-server cluster, Automatic load rebalancing can automatically redistribute applications when a server that has been offline comes back online, or when a new server is added to the cluster. (This feature is off by default.)

  • Striim 4.1.0 uses the G1 Garbage Collector (previous releases used the Concurrent Mark Sweep (CMS) collector). The monitor and memory utilities may show less free memory than in previous releases, but that is due to G1 freeing memory for use by applications only when it is needed. If you experience memory issues after upgrading to this release, you may switch to CMS by editing to set GC=cms and restarting Striim.

  • A HashiCorp vault may be configured to automatically renew its token (see Using vaults).

  • Applications can send alerts to Slack (see Sending alerts from applications).

  • Full documentation can be found here

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