Striim Cloud on Google Cloud

  • 14 February 2023
  • 0 replies

This article was originally posted on May 17, 2022


Today, we launched the availability of Striim Cloud on Google Cloud, the fastest way for you to deliver real-time data and insights to power business intelligence and decision-making to meet the needs of the digital economy. Striim Cloud is the industry’s first and only fully-managed software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform for real-time data streaming and integration.

With a few clicks, you can easily build real-time data pipelines to stream trillions of events every day, backed by enterprise-grade operational, security, and management features.


Striim Cloud on Google Cloud delivers multiple capabilities for digital transformation to the enterprise:

  • Striim Cloud delivers instant access to what’s happening right now across multiple applications
  • Striim Cloud delivers the simplicity, elasticity, and scalability of the cloud
  • Striim Cloud super-charges enterprise innovation

To read more about Striim Cloud on Google Cloud

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